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“First rate analysis at a cut-rate price.”

Creative Screenwriting

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Make your screenplay the best it can be.

You have written a wonderful screenplay. It has everything: an intriguing premise, fleshed-out characters, crackling dialogue rich in subtext, a twisty plot, brisk pacing, and an emotional denouement. It’s your masterpiece. Your baby. And it’s ready to go out and rock the cinematic world. Or is it?

Let’s look at the picture a month from now. Your script went out on a Friday to a dozen producers. You were certain that by Monday morning they would be fighting over it in a bidding war. But the phone didn’t ring. A few days later, some terse e-mail started trickling in. One of them mentioned “structural problems.” They liked your writing, but the screenplay was not for them. By now it seems painfully clear something in your script does not work. But what?

If only you had shown it to a script analyst before you sent it out. If only you had rewritten it with the help of a professional, a veteran script doctor who has worked for the studios, and who knows what producers look for. Perhaps then you could have fixed your screenplay before you burned it through those producers. Well, now you have access to just such a script consultant with Story Sense.

Creative Screenwriting magazine, in their comparative review of script analysts, rated Story Sense “Highly Recommended” and their “Best Buy.” The competition is fierce, and you may not get a second chance. You can’t afford not to send out your best script possible. Story Sense. Get it from the expert.

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Hollywood Script Doctor on Call

Since leaving Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures, he has achieved high rankings as a script consultant, and is much in demand by writers, producers, and literary agents. A working screenwriter and frequent lecturer, Michael analyzes what makes a successful script in a popular seminar on screenplay structure.

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Michael Ray Brown, a top Hollywood script doctor and the founder of Story Sense, has more than 30 years’ experience helping writers create successful screenplays. A story analyst for seven major studios, he contributed to the development of such films as Lethal Weapon, Braveheart, Red Corner, Contact, Hart’s War, and many more.

Michael Ray Brown, script doctor