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Copyright © 2018 by Michael Ray Brown. All rights reserved.

“First rate analysis at a cut-rate price.”

Creative Screenwriting

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Michael Ray Brown can also rewrite or polish your script. Whether it’s punching up the dialogue or crafting more cinematic action, he can make your movie leap off the page. He has more than 70 hours of credits as a screenwriter.

Editorial and Rewrite

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We correct your spelling, grammar, punctuation, and word usage, while formatting your screenplay to Industry standards. For an additional fee we can execute the corrections in your script file.


ProofreadingLearn More

Comprised of four parts – a log line, a pitch, a synopsis, and an alternate teaser ending – this sales tool promotes your screenplay or novel, focusing on its most commercial qualities.

Selling Synopsis

Selling SynopsisLearn More

Get Your Script Ready

A cover sheet with a rating grid and a log line, followed by a one-page synopsis and a comment averaging three-quarters of a page. Written as a studio reader might see it, this is a real acid test as to whether your script would fly with a producer.

Studio-style Coverage

Studio-style CoverageLearn More

A one-hour brainstorming discussion with our script doctor by telephone or in person, exploring ways your screenplay, novel, or treatment can be improved.

Oral Consultation

Oral ConsultationLearn More

An in-depth evaluation of your screenplay, with detailed, bullet-point suggestions for how it can be improved. Our script doctor also writes line and scene notes directly on your screenplay. Includes an hour-long personal consultation.

Development Notes

Development NotesLearn More

Get Your Script Analyzed

A comprehensive evaluation of your script starts with its theme, and how successfully that theme has been expressed in dramatic conflict and action. Our script analyst considers your story’s uniqueness, consistency of tone, depth of characterization, quality of dialogue, structure, pacing, production values, castability, marketability, and other qualities. Format errors are flagged, as well. (Read a sample script analysis.)

Get the studio’s perspective with script coverage, or go deeper with full development notes. Our script doctor can identify any plot holes that could sink your chances of a sale. Once he does, he will suggest imaginative ways to fill those holes. You have invested months of your life putting your story on the page. A Story Sense analysis can help make that investment pay off.

Whenever his schedule permits, Michael Ray Brown will write your analysis personally. All services are strictly confidential. Your script is returned to you, postage prepaid. For details, including samples and fees for each service, please contact us or select from the following:

Okay, so nothing’s perfect. Your script is almost there. And they’re going to rewrite it anyway after it’s cast. Why not get paid to rewrite it? Some executive will see the potential in your script, and hire you to develop it, right? Not unless you’re an “A-list” writer. And even then, “A-list” writers rarely submit a script until all its bugs are squashed, often with the help of a script consultant. That’s why they’re “A-list” writers.

One professional Hollywood script analyst defined his job as giving the executives “a reason to say, ‘No.’” If a studio executive doesn’t absolutely love your script, the reader who recommended it has wasted their time. A story analyst can be fired for saying, “Maybe,” but nobody loses their job for saying, “No.” Don’t give them any reason to say, “No.”

Get your screenplay analyzed from the inside out. Learn how to make it fire on all cylinders. We can’t guarantee it will sell. We can, however, give you insight into its strengths and weaknesses, point out where it needs work, and offer practical suggestions on how to fix any flaws it may have. Make sure your story is bulletproof before putting it on the market.

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