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Copyright © 2018 by Michael Ray Brown. All rights reserved.

“First rate analysis at a cut-rate price.”

Creative Screenwriting

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Fees include the cost of printing and handling (if electronic submission), and postage for the return of your screenplay or novel.

Novel or Manuscript


Synopsis of revised script (within 90 days)

Follow-up Synopsis


Priority turnaround (one week or less)

Rush Service


Payable by check or online through PayPal

Selling Synopsis


Read a Sample

Because time is a premium, some producers refuse to read a writer’s work unless they first submit a synopsis. Your goal is to entice them to actually read your script. You want them to see the quality of your writing, not just the plot beats. So it is vital you don’t reveal too much in the synopsis.

Our Selling Synopsis conveys the essence of your story with some key scenes and lively details, but tells only enough to tantalize the reader. Running one to two pages (longer for a novel), it succinctly describes and promotes your work, focusing on its most salable qualities. The document consists of three parts: 1) the Log Line, 2) the Pitch, and 3) the Synopsis, which includes both a Teaser Ending and a Full Ending. At your request, the pitch will be targeted to a specific market.

Selling Synopsis

Currency from all around the world illustrates the benefits of getting a selling synopsis on your script.