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Copyright © 2018 by Michael Ray Brown. All rights reserved.

“First rate analysis at a cut-rate price.”

Creative Screenwriting

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Development Notes


Notes on revised script (within 90 days)

Follow-up Critique


Priority turnaround (one week or less)

Rush Service


Payable by check or online through PayPal

Development Notes


Our fees for analyzing an outline or treatment are less than that for a screenplay, but not as low as you might imagine. The reading time is shorter, of course, but that’s only the first phase of the process. Writing detailed notes for a treatment can require as much thought and effort as notes for a full screenplay.


Payable by check or online through PayPal

Development Notes


Priority turnaround (one week or less)

Rush Service


Notes on revised treatment (within 90 days)

Follow-up Critique


Fees include the cost of printing and handling (if electronic submission), postage for the return of your screenplay, treatment, or novel, and postage for sending you the audio CD of your consultation. Telephone connection charges are also covered.

*Does not include a plot synopsis. We figure you already know what your script is about. We can, if you wish, write a Selling Synopsis. That, however, is a separate service.

Novel or Manuscript

Read a Sample

Our most comprehensive service. A detailed, written evaluation (10 to 15 pages), offering creative solutions to any and all problems in your script.* Includes a one-hour Oral Consultation by telephone or in person, plus an audio CD (or MP3 download) of the discussion. We return your script to you with specific line and scene comments written on the pages.

We believe that a critique should be constructive. To that end, each point in our Development Notes takes the form of a suggestion. Accompanying each suggestion is an analysis of the issue it addresses, along with specific ideas or scenarios that would fix the problem. Michael Ray Brown will write the analysis personally.

Neurons in the brain of our script doctor are firing at full-throttle for your screenplay.